Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Manifold Nature of God

A Manifold. 
(In case you didn't know)

Our God never ceases to amaze me.  He is so tricky and awesome.  One minute we think we understand what He is doing, and then BAM!  He switches it all up and blows our minds entirely.  


(The following conversation has been paraphrased for the sake of space)

Last night one of my best friends in the world calls me, and she says, "Did you get my emails?"

I had been in the city most of the day and hadn't used the computer at all.  When she called I was in our little room at my in-law's house, and Karmy was putting Lucas to bed, so I couldn't bust out the old laptop and wake him up.  In a nut shell, I told her "No, I haven't checked my email."

"Alright, well, answer it as soon as you can!"

I told her I would, but as I said, I couldn't use the computer then, so I waited until morning.  When I woke up I kept telling myself I needed to read her email, but you have to spend time with Jesus first!  So I grabbed my MP3 player (that's right, I still use one of those), and revved up my Bible (I listen to audio Bibles a LOT!) and started listening.  

After a few chapters there were these two verses that hit me like a punch in the face.

                                                What I looked like when I heard them.
When I heard them I just knew they were for me.  They applied to my life, and spoke directly to a situation have been praying about.  But you see, God is a manifold God, and the Word of God is alive!

Right after I finished my prayer time, I remembered to check my email before doing anything else.  So I did, and in the email my friend wanted me to check, was a request for prayer about a ministry opportunity she was seeking confirmation for.  I was blown away when I read the email (see above picture for reaction), because the two verses that had spoken so much to me, were also exact words for her prayer request!  It was as if she asked a question, and the Word of God answered her like a regular conversation!  It was absolutely amazing. 

What amazed me even more, was that God KNEW all of that before it happened, and set it all up!  He knew she had sent that email to me, and what it said, and made it so I wouldn't check it until after my morning quiet time.  Why?  Because if I had read the email first, I would have heard the verses after, I would have thought of her situation, and applied them to it on my own, making it simply human reasoning.  But, I didn't, I got the verses first, and then read the email, which completely switched the whole thing from being my own application to a clear word from God.  Isn't He awesome?

We always have to be on the lookout, because often times out human minds are so narrow, and God wants to broaden us!  There are far more opportunities for God to move out there than we could ever imagine! 

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